The Repercussions and Results
I miss the initial feeling of mania
That ride on jumpy and exciting waves of confidence
That pull you along and buoy you up
So you can do anything
And fuck anyone
And be anyone
While still you are yourself
And express all of it grandly
And feel overwhelmed and overcome by the beauty of everything and myself
And can understand anything and everyone (even different languages and what people don’t say but
only think)
And feel magic like I can control the weather and balance of my environment
Until the tide drags you along
Into ditches created in your mind of rotten initially vague ideas
That become obsessions and destructions of their own
That can compel you to do crazy and strange and violent actions
As well as fun and anything to continue, and heighten the high
Until you can’t handle the high
And I’m blocking everything out and grounding all parts of my body and not breathing in order to gain a
moment of stillness
And those ditches in your mind don’t just go away
They’re rutted in there deep
Because of the strength and extremity of your beliefs and feelings at that time
And you’re left to slowly try and dig new paths and yet never erase the old ones.
Just hope the new ones become deeper and more sturdy
I don’t know yet if they ever get quite so quick-sand-like
__Creativity is more consistent in a non-manic mind__